Monday, May 1, 2017

Orchids Under Siege

Today starts out with soft rain, which reduces the middle distance to values of lovely gray.
Then P reminds me that today is the day we play plumbers and replace the seals in our leaky tub faucets.  This is not a big job except that in order to turn off the water we need to go outside and pry up a manhole cover near the driveway and use the large rebar T to reach down into the mud and turn the faucet-like thing.  We ran outside between showers and got the water turned off;  then I disassembled the faucet handles and he then went to Ace to buy new seals.  Meanwhile I drew the parts in the order that we took them apart.

After this actually enjoyable fix-up event I ran down to check the orchids and discovered many tiny black shiny beetles sucking the lifeblood out of them.  I carefully picked one and brought it home to see if I could rescue the blossom from the beetles and help it open in a vase.  Tomorrow:  Safer Soap spray on the plants in the woods.

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